
Greasemonkey user scripts

Author:   William Donnelly.
          Copyright © 2004, 2005. All rights reserved. etc...
Contact: | donnelly

evilmonk.png To learn more about the Firefox Greasemonkey extension,
Touch the Monkey!     (to travel to the Greasemonkey website)

Nota Bene:   The use of Greasemonkey on this site has been DISabled.
If you foolishly attempt to use Greasemonkey scripts on this site,
your computer will explode. I kidd you not.
It's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword!   ;o)

You can find these GmScripts and other info here:


Google Unfiltered -- &filter=0

Color Fix -- Webpage Colors Corrector

Slick Links -- Greasy WebLinks for the Masses

Other Files -- Miscellania and Logos and Images

Google Unfiltered -- &filter=0

Appends &filter=0 to Google search URL's.

By default, all Google searches are filtered to display a summary of "the most relevant results", with a link at the bottom of THE LAST PAGE of results that says:

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the xxx already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.

And you must click on the linked last line of text above to have all of the results displayed. If you get enough results returned in the original search, it is extremely difficult to get to the last page to be able to click on the link. Regardless, you must click on the link to get the full search results. This GmScript always returns the full search results.

To install this GmScript, click on the button below and choose 'Tools | Install User Script...' from your browser menu.


afaik, appending "&filter=0" to any/all Google search pages, even those that do not use this functionality, will not cause anything untoward to occur. If it does, please let me know. (like Froogle, or whatever other subdomain pages Google uses)

More info...

This concept was originally implemented by the author as the following bookmarklet, which appended &filter=0 if it was not already present:

   javascript:/* Google filter=0 */
      N = %22filter=0%22; R = %2ffilter=\d*/;
      if (R.exec( =, N);
      else += %22&%22 + N; void 0

You may now use the following bookmark to stop this GmScript from modifying the URL to get the summary search results. It appends "&googleu" to the URL, which is ignored by Google.

   javascript:/* Google summary */
      ls =;
      if ( (/&filter=0/) != -1)
      ls = ls.replace (/&filter=0/, %22%22);
      if ( (/&googleu/) == -1) ls += %22&googleu%22;
      if (ls != = ls; void 0

 Google summary

Additionally, the following bookmarklet reverses the above summary bookmarklet and is the new version of the original:

   javascript:/* Google filter=0 */
      ls =;
      if ( (/&googleu/) != -1)
      ls = ls.replace (/&googleu/, %22%22);
      if ( (/&filter=0/) == -1) ls += %22&filter=0%22;
      if (ls != = ls; void 0

 Google filter=0

You can drag and drop the above button links to your bookmarks, or toolbar.
Remember that bookmarklets must NOT have any line breaks.
You can also remove most whitespace, as well. Just compress
the bookmarklet code as much as possible. Note that %22 is a double quote.

There are also some bookmark icons available for the above two bookmarklets for those who are using the Favicon Picker extension.


Ver 1.1.0  Enhanced functionality by enhancing regex. (5/2005)
            /(&|\?)[as_ope]*q=[^&$]/  ==>  '&'  or  '?'  w/optional
               'as_XX'  and  'q='  not followed by  '&'  or  end-of-text
Ver 1.0.1  Added conditional logic to ONLY modify queries (&q=) and switched
            from += "&filter=0" to using location.replace
            so that the browser Back button / functionality works.  (5/2005)
Ver 1.0.0  Converted from bookmarklet to GmScript.  (5/2005)
// userscript metadata follows...

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Google Unfiltered -- &filter=0
// @namespace
// @description   Appends &filter=0 to Google URL's.
// @include       http**
// @exclude

// @Version       1.1.0
// @Firefox       1.5+
// @GmVersion     0.6.4
// @Author        William Donnelly
// @Email | donnelly
// ==/UserScript==

Color Fix - Webpage Colors Corrector

Fix colors for websites that are not implemented correctly.
This script is executed for each "window" loaded at onLoad time.
(including frames and iframes)

The webpage background and foreground colors will be changed as follows if the designer has not specified them correctly. This will allow you to view the page with appropriate contrasting colors for text and background with a 'black on white' (ink on paper) color scheme.

   Text        = "#000001"     Ink: black (effectively) 
   Background  = "#fffffe"     Paper: white (effectively) 

To install this GmScript, click on the button below and choose 'Tools | Install User Script...' from your browser menu. Note that there are default browser color changes that need to be made as described below before this script will function.


For this script to operate properly, you must set your default Firefox browser colors as follows:    *CHANGED* (again)
(basically, we choose colors that most people would not choose as page colors)

   Text        = "#fffffd"     effectively white 
   Background  = "#000002"     effectively black 

These colors were chosen because the chances of a website using them is slim. (?) Having a dark background also helps stop eye-blinding "flash" when surfing from one web page to another. (which often occurs if you simply set your default colors to black text on a bright white background)

To change the color preferences to the above values, enter 'about:config' in the browser address URL text box and press ENTER. When the preferences configuration window is loaded, enter 'color' in the Filter text box and press ENTER. The two preferences you want to modify are 'browser.display.background_color' and 'browser.display.foreground_color'. Double-click on each item to enter the new values. Close the window/tab.

More info...

The following bookmarklet changes colors via CSS. This code was added-modified to this script's overall functionality. Sometimes the current system does not "fix" some websites (rarely now), whereas this bookmarklet will. (almost always) Thanks to:

   javascript:/* Zap Colors */
      (function(){var newSS, styles='* {
      backgroundColor: white ! important;
      color: black !important } :link, :link * {
      color: #0000EE !important }
      :visited, :visited * { color: #551A8B !important }';
      { document.createStyleSheet(
      %22javascript:'%22+styles+%22'%22); }
      else { newSS=document.createElement('link');
      appendChild(newSS); } })();

 Zap Colors

There are now two versions of the No Color Correction bookmarklet. One stops color correction from executing on a specific page by prepending "nofix=nofix" to the currently viewed URL search text, and the other reverses the color correction after the fact by calling a function in the GmScript proper:

   javascript:/* UNcolorfix.user.js */
      checkColors (true);

 Un-Color Fix

   javascript:/* No Color Fix */
      if ( == %22%22) { = %22nofix=nofix%22
      } else { = %22nofix=nofix&%22 +
      void 0

 No Color Fix

You can drag and drop the above button links to your bookmarks, or toolbar.
Remember that bookmarklets must NOT have any line breaks.
You can also remove most whitespace, as well. Just compress
the bookmarklet code as much as possible. Note that %22 is a double quote.
For permanent website non-execution, use the Gm @exclude parameter. (see below)
Ver 1.3.0  Made checkColors() function available for external calling
            for Ffx 1.5/Gm 0.6.4 and added 'complex' RegEx exclude
            metadata items. (12/2005)
Ver 1.2.2  Added special check for blank color specs. (8/2005)
Ver 1.2.1  Added code to Undo color fix via bookmarklet and some cleanup. (8/2005)
Ver 1.2.0  Changed to work with new Gm 0.5.0. (8/2005)
Ver 1.1.1  Added error checking for addEventListener() call
            and change to document colors
            when body object does not exist. (6/2005)
Ver 1.1.0  Added default HTML CSS style for background-color
            for 'transparency' problems. (6/2005)
Ver 1.0.9  Calling checkColors() immediately for sites that
            don't execute the onLoad event. (6/2005)
Ver 1.0.8  Changed default browser colors to #fefefe and
            #121212. (6/2005)
Ver 1.0.7  Now supports user's default browser colors
            if eventually added to Gm (5/2005)
Ver 1.0.6  Added @GmVersion, a new exclude metadata item
            and modified RegEx's. (4/2005)
Ver 1.0.5  Minor mod to nofix check, added versioning,
            and more documentation (4/2005)
Ver 1.0.4  Removed (i)frame loop code and corrected
            references due to Gm being loaded so early
            now. Plus some variable/constant name
            formatting and better nofix bookmarklet.  (4/2005)
Ver 1.0.3  Better CSS Style specification and code
            formatting/cleaning/betterment.  (3/2005)
Ver 1.0.2  Now corrects missing/null foreground and
            background color properties pages.  (2/2005)
Ver 1.0.1  Now corrects "bad color" specifiers,
            like when they forget to prepend a "#".  (1/2005)
// @name          Color Fix - Webpage Colors Corrector
// @namespace
// @description   Fix colors for websites that are not implemented correctly
// @include       *
// @exclude       http**
// @exclude       http**
// @exclude       http**
// @exclude       http**
// @exclude       http**

// @RegExExclude  ^http.*://.*$
// @RegExExclude  ^http.*://.*$
// @RegExExclude  ^http.*://.*$
// @RegExExclude  ^http.*://.*$
// @RegExExclude  ^http.*://.*$

// @Version       1.3.0
// @Firefox       1.5+
// @GmVersion     0.6.4
// @Author        William Donnelly
// @Email | donnelly
// ==/UserScript==

Slick Links    (Greasemonkey homepage)    (Greasemonkey blog)    (eMail List Archives)    (Wiki homepage)    (GmScript ==> Extension)    (GmScript ==> Extension)    (GmScript ==> Extension)
irc://    (GmChat channel)


Icon  Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
[GmS] fdblclkimgzoom.user.js Dec 11, 2005 3054 [GmS] forcehtml.user.js Dec 11, 2005 3417 [GmS] globkeywinevt.user.js Dec 11, 2005 2841 [GmS] imdbreimager.user.js Dec 11, 2005 1297 [GmS] linkifynew.user.js Dec 11, 2005 3240 [GmS] tester.user.js Dec 11, 2005 628 [GmS] unembed2.user.js Dec 11, 2005 1977 [Ico] gmicon.ico May 26, 2005 894 [Img] gmicon16.gif Jun 05, 2005 1011 [Ico] gmicon16.ico May 26, 2005 894 [Img] gmicon16.png May 20, 2005 970 [Img] gmicon22.gif Jun 05, 2005 1180 [Img] gmicon22.png Jun 05, 2005 1261 [Img] gmicon32.png May 23, 2005 1926