English to Pig Latin Translator

Enter English Text to Translate:
Igpay Atinlay Anslationtray:
             Maximum Line Length:
Check this box to see the Pig Latin output in 'Learning Mode'
with dashes between the modified word proper and its new suffix for
better understanding and ease of pronunciation (must reTranslate)

This English to Pig Latin translation program performs a (near-) perfect translation of any English text to Pig Latin. Words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and more.

There are many dialects and forms of Pig Latin which vary from region to region, country to country, and language to language, as well as other similar, and dissimilar, Pig Latin-like 'languages'. The dialect shown here tends to hail from California/West Coast of the United States.

Basically, the Pig Latin system used here works as follows:

  • Words that start with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) simply have "WAY" appended to the end of the word.
  • Words that start with a consonant have all consonant letters up to the first vowel moved to the end of the word (as opposed to just the first consonant letter), and "AY" is appended.
         ('Y' is counted as a vowel in this context)

The algorithm incorporates the following features and special case functionality:

The routines are written in JavaScript version 1.1 (+) for NetScape 3.x (or higher) and Internet Explorer 4.x+, and uses HTML Form objects (Text Areas, Text fields, Buttons and Check Boxes). The algorithms were developed and programmed by Bill Donnelly.

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Links:    More Pig Latin information than you ever wanted to know about.

The Internet (World Wide Web, et al.) is becoming and/or has effectively become an Encyclopaedia Galactica.

To visit the pages, Click the little framed Piggy (gently).....
     (all pages opened in a new window)

First and foremost, Google me this!
The Google Web Directory listing for
           Science > Social Sciences > Linguistics > Languages > Constructed > Play > Pig Latin.
Perform an extensive Google search for even more Encyclopaedia Galactica references to "Pig Latin".
Are you brave enough to search with Google using Pig Latin??

Or, perform a Google search of your choice:

These web pages link back to this page:
    (listed in no particular order; not all rated 'G'; some PG-13 +/-)
Applelinks Article: Igpay Atinlay (Pig Latin) Encoding May Defeat Napster Filters
Applelinks Article: More And Less Pig Latin On The Web
Riverdale Library Youth Services
Get a Web-Organized Life
Word Play
All THE BEST CENTRAL-Your Humor Page. Laughter is your best medicine.
Ready-Ed Publications:Farm Fun
Daddy G Page Snazzy List of Links
America Circa '60s - Links (History and geography > History of North America > United States)
                      Also: http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/america_circa_60s

Brainlock.org Webertainment: the fun, the weird, and the just strange!!

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This translator has been accessed times.

Copyright © 1997-2002-2004 by William H. Donnelly at Donnelly House

Last updated: December 16, 2004;   before that: January 5, 2002