Below is the link to the Fire Behavior Forecast and interpretation from
the Northern California GACC.
This forecast is a narative on
what is expected.
Below is the link to the experimental live fuel moisture map. Live
fuels need to be preheated to drive out moisture from the plants. Once
the moisture content reach a low enough level the fuel will continue to
burn, instead of just scorch.
Observed Fire Behavior link. This changes daily and can be used to
calibrate fire behavior caluclations for on site fire predictions.
The 100 and 1000 hour dead fuel
moisture classes of fuel add to the intensity of the fire area, after
the flaming front has passed, thus increasing the amount of heat
produced by the fire. This can be observered by watching the convective
colume of the fire. The more 100 and 1000 hour fuels consuming the
stronger the convective colume. The other effect is that these size
class of dead fuel tends to consume, making mop up easier!
Observed 100 hour dead fuel moisture levels by predictive area.
Observed 1000 hour dead fuel moisture levels by predictive area.
Here is a link to the Average
prepitation for California. It is maintained and updated by the
National Weather Service.