Wildland Fire and Fuels

Wildland Fire Consultant

Herbert Allan McLane
Wildland Fire Specialist

Thirty years in Fire Management with the U.S. Forest Service
Retired 2/1/2005
Battalion Chief-Training Officer. Shasta Trinity N.F. 3/ 2001-2/ 2005
Fuels Specialist. Deschutes N.F. 12/ 2000-3/2001
Suppression Supervisor, Fuels Specialist, Engine Captain. Winema N.F. 6/1991-`12/2000
Helitack, Hotshots, Engines, Fuels and Prevention. Lassen N.F. 6/1978-6/1991
Engines and Handcrews. Plumas N.F. 6/1975-6/1977

BS CSU Chico 1986 Biology (Forest Ecology emphasis)

The service I offer depends on your needs as a home/land owner, as a Fire Protection District, as a Fire Safe Council, or a government agency.

Home and Land Owner
I will provide you with a scientific evaluation of your land and improvements and the wildland fire hazards and risks and what your options are to mitigate them. I will provide you with a implementation plan that will protect your investments and property from destruction by wildfire as well as prevent any possible fire from spreading off your property.
I will work with you to comply with county and state fire safe regulations and at the same time where possible help you utilize better wildland fuels reduction methods.

Fire Protection District and other government agencies
I will evaluate your National Wildland Fire Coordination Group (NWCG) certification records and training program. I can deliver NWCG courses and certify training as a third party, giving you a independent and objective program. I can review existing records and recommend correction efforts to met the wildland fire requirements.

Local Fire Safe Council
I will assist you in your coordination efforts with the wildland fire agencies in your area. I can review and recommend changes to your objectives, and guide you in your efforts to assist the responding agency personnel. I can deliver NWCG courses and certify training of your members in the Incident Command System and develop citizen education programs on wildfire use and safety practices for small land owners.

Wildland Fire and Urban Interface Solutions

I will provide you with a scientific method to protect your wildland resources at the most effective cost to benefit ratio. This is accomplished by giving you the knowledge that helps you maintain a healthy wildland around your improvements while reducing your possible losses due to catastrophic wildland fires. We have all chosen to live in a wildland fire environment and can enjoy it when properly prepared.

Fire Regime Management
For those that want to go further down the road of understanding their environment, I can deliver a plan that is based on your local fire history including weather/climate and will provide you with the tools to help re establish the balance between fire occurrence, intensity, and wildland fuels accumulation.

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