All files are original with exception of advertising banners
and buttons, unless noted such as: Fiely's at:
Backgrounds and midi files also being noted. Which are
under protection of their owners and may not be copied off this site.
Content and configuration of this site and the pages it contains are protected by United States and international copyright laws. Copying or distribution by any means, in part or in entirety, is strictly prohibited. With exception of Limited permission as stated directly below. Which Pertains to the images/animations listed on the pictures pages and free animation pages ONLY.
Limited permission is granted for personal use only. Not including
distribution in any form. Copyright credit must be included.
Use of these files for any purposes other than those for which limited
permission has been granted here is prohibited.
Note: For clarification, a website is considered by the copyright holder to be a commercial website if banner space is sold on a personal website. If a person makes any money off of any portion of their website, regardless of how much or how little, then it's a commercial site. A website is considered to be a commercial site if it's owned and operated in conjunction with a revenue generating site, regardless of whether the owning entity does not make money off of the portion of the website where the content is shown. An example of this would be an e-card site delivered free of charge by a commercial entity, or similar free attraction used to lure visitors to the revenue generating portion of the commercial website. Non-profit organizations or charities are considered by the copyright holder to be commercial entities. If you are a webmaster in the business of creating home pages or if you own a business and are promoting it on your site, you are considered commercial.
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I am not liable to the users of this service for
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information provided by this service is put.