This page is set up in gratitude for the very best toy Hasbro ever made for grown-ups. Some pictures may be a bit . . . scandalous, but it's all in good fun.
Silly little kid: Masterpiece Optimus Prime is for
Introduction of characters: The Young Lady, Rusti. And of course, you-know-who--don't get too fresh there, young man, she's a lady and deserves to be treated like one!
Don't kid yourself, though. Our fully-posable friend here is a very busy person!
He keeps the house well in-check. Visitors,
critters and dust mites tremble in his wake!
Of course, there's the evening when the house is quiet and it's just the two of them.
Of course, there's the occasional escapade without leaving a note.
For the most part things are pretty good, pretty smooth. There's still the little surprises life tosses, those moments when things don't go quite right . . .
. . . someone may need a helping hand . . . um, if he pays attention long enough to realize it . . .
. . . and sometimes he likes to test his skills and daring . . .
. . . and sometimes he likes to remember who
loves you . . . and why.
Photographs by Jayd Hunter and T.L. Arens-if you wish to include some of your MP Optimus Prime shots here, please feel free to write the cafe, or go to Fingerfood Forum and let us know!