In 1973 i went overland to India through Afghanistan.
These photos are a sample of what it WAS like there
before the war with the Russians
the regime with the Taliban
and then the bombing by the US
Following is my passport and some street scenes from Afghanistan

The children playing on their ferris wheel, the weaver at work,
The local vegetarian restaurant in Kabul called THE PLACE WITH NO NAME,
the dirt street in Kandahar
taken from the hotel we stayed in.
That building later became the headquarters
of the Taliban
Then there was the wild pot growing on the side of the road!

The bus folks i met in Istanbul, and the passport photo
i had taken in Tehran, Iran.
There were 13 of us from around the world that hired the bus
We met at The Pudding Shop in Istanbul
and each paid $25. to go overland from Istanbul, Turkey,
through Iran and onto to Kabul, Afghanistan.
I was one of 2 woman with 11 guys from around the world and the 2 Afghan men.
Fortunately for me, the people on the bus were very cool honest people.
In Iran, they wanted to trade me and the other woman for hashish!
George was from Denver and loved the wild pot, as you can tell!
Mich (looking down the aisle) was from Switzerland
he brought the Pink Floyd tape
and he played it over and over and over in the bus.
i still think of Mich everytime i hear those songs!

May PEACE be restored to Afghanistan & to the world

For more photos of this trip onto India

Click the above for Luke Powell's STUNNING AFGHAN PHOTOS