Tibet was invaded by the Chinese in 1959. The Chinese have tortured and killed thousands of nuns and monks. They have burned monasteries and stolen religious artifacts trying to break the spirit and culture of the Tibetan people. The Tibetans are devout Buddhists sticking to the precepts of non-violence.
I never enjoyed school much, but always loved geography.
i remember being in 5th grade & staring out the window thinking of all the wonderful places
i could travel to.
By the late 1960's & early 1970's I was reading all I could
about the esoteric arts.
i came across the wonderful woman adventurer
Alexandra David Neel
She inspired me beyond my wildest imaginations!
In early 1972 I was brought to my first Yoga teacher. His name was Swami Rudi and to get to his ashram i was first brought to him at his store,
it was on the lower east side of New York's Greenwich Village.
Rudi allowed me to attended his birthday party that night and it was there that i was initiated by him into Kundalini Yoga. From that night on my life changed. i knew I was Awakened.
Being a Sagittarius has helped me to always be aware of the spirit and spiritually growing. I have evolved from being a closed minded dogmatic Christian, to going to India and studying with Gurus, to being initiated into the Kargyu order of Tibetan Buddhism. My spiritual life now is one more ecumenical.
I have been drug free since June '83 and enjoy the freedom that being free of any habit & dependence can give.
The Church of the Gentle Brothers & Sisters
have been an important part of my spiritual experience.
I was Ordained into the church as a legal minister in California.
Click their card to read about them
LB is a rare bear, LB is a care bear
She's an always there bear
a generous and share bear
a judicious and fair bear
a never pull your hair bear
a make you stop and stare bear
an invite you to her lair bear
a lend you underwear bear
a feed you with a pear bear
a mend the slightest tear bear
a fun loving truth or dare bear
a release you from a snair bear
an offer you her chair bear
And there are few that can compare
to LB a truly rare bear