The Maiden Voyage of The Black Bird
The story is, that Ron Hanford met a miserable and wimpy female in the fall of 1996. After almost a year of observing from a distance, he decided to undertake rehabilitation of said female. He began by making her take walks when her feet were cold. Then he engaged her in rousing political dialogue. He hosted her on interesting travels to sailboat regattas, which required that she rise early in the morning and pack light. He made her ride her bicycle on the River Trail. Sometimes she was rewarded with a margarita; sometimes she had to come home wobbling and cook him dinner.
In the interim, she noticed that his laundry and home sanitation situations were deplorable.
He also needed help in the nutrition department.
He noticed that she needed a lot of reminding about tiny things, and also needed someone to make her exercise. So, when she started yoga on a whim, he provided excessive praise, and she continued with the yoga, in spite of the difficulty she encountered due to her excessively wimpy frame.
The upside of this was that certain sagging areas rose, and certain other weak areas became strong. Hanford noticed that suddenly she looked very nice in short sleeves.
The upshot of this story is that the wimpy female became slightly less wimpy, and he decided to marry her. She demurely agreed.
After a famous wedding about which there was much remark and discussion, Hanford treated his taut and warm-footed new wife to a wedding present. Said wedding present offered both a blessing to the new union AND a trial.
It appears the couple has weathered the trial.
Here is the story, told in the form of a thank-you letter the bride wrote to her yoga teacher.