"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but but the

tongue of the wise brings healing." 

Proverbs 12:18  NIV


We need to recognize that every single time we open our mouth we have an opportunity to choose whether to encourage, uplift, and give hope or to undermine, discourage, and judge.  No time in a young person's life is this choice more critical than in the junior high years.

Are you ready for the adventure of Junior High School?  Are you ready for a change from the elementary “little kid” experience?  Do you feel like it’s time for more fun and freedom?  Are you ready to grow in your own faith?  Redding Christian Junior High is the place for you.

For those of you who are already a part of our “Redding Christian School Family,” we realize that you may know some “of the ropes”, but the Junior High is an opportunity to really make a change.  Chances are, you are ready for that change.  Will this change feel a little scary?  Probably at first.  Change does that to everyone.  But, it’s worth it! 

We have compiled this special “Junior High Handbook” just to help you learn what you can expect in Junior High.  All parents and students will need to read this handbook so that you will be well informed as to what you can expect.

It is our experience that there are points in everyone’s life that are milestones, places that you can look back to and see as a turning point.  For most people, junior high is usually one of these milestones.  Our desire at RCS is that students at this level grow in the important areas of freedom, responsibility, and in their walk with Christ.  Junior High is the time for the outward control of the child (rules) to become the inward control of the adolescent (doing what is right even when no one is watching!)

Junior High is an exciting time and one that you will enjoy.  Memories and friends that you make during these years will remain with you a lifetime.  Make these years count!



Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Judy Hamilton,
Junior High Principal




   It is our goal in Junior High, to not only equip our students for High School, but to help prepare them for college.  RCS is an accelerated program because we believe that we owe it to our students to prepare them so all options will be open when they graduate.  It is our intent to help prepare them for life!  Even though RCS has an accelerated academic program, it has been our experience that it is not “brain” that counts as much as motivation.  If a student wants to do well, he or she will.  Success in our program is not out of reach for the average student who simply applies himself or herself.

     Organization at the Junior High level really helps.  Usually students this age are not known for their highly developed organizational skills.  We realize that, so we will help you develop a system that works for you and will stay with you the rest of your life.  You will have numerous activities and assignments that flood your life at this time and you will find it fun and manageable if you have a system that helps you keep it all straight.  That applies to homework, too.

     Yes, there is plenty of homework, but it is manageable if you do it in bits and pieces.  If you have a month to get a major project in, and you wait until two days before to get started, you will be frustrated.  However, this experience may teach you that you don’t like that feeling of frustration and next time you will pace yourself a little differently. You will also be amazed at how much you will mature in all areas at the Junior High level.  Don’t be too hard on yourself.  You can be successful!

     This is a big step for those of you who have already been a part of our RCS Family.  You have the advantage of being used to an accelerated curriculum, but you should still expect some adjustment to Junior High.  It is very different than the elementary school level.  You will notice an increase in homework and expectations concerning responsibility and behavior.  All the fun of getting to do the things you have watched the older students participate in will be yours, but you should still expect an adjustment period to adjust to new ways of doing things.