

Math Fundamentals
Algebra II
Math Analysis
Finite Math


    The courses I teach are college preparatory.  They will be based on mutual respect.  I will conduct class in such a way that will prepare you for college.  There are a few basic behavioral policies that must be followed.  You must be on time to class, which means in your seat by the time class starts.  Please bring all necessary items to class everyday.  You will need loose leaf notebook paper for all of you assignments.  There is never an excuse for rudeness.  If and when you have a substitute, you are expected to follow all class/school policies and be on your best behavior.


  • Full credit is given only to work turned in on time.

  • Ten percent (10%) will be deducted per day for all work turned in after it has been collected in class with a 50% cap.

  • Any work that is the result of cheating or plagiarizing will be given a zero (0%).

  • Your grades are available to see, but please arrange to see them at appropriate times.

Quarter Grades will be determined in the following manner:

Math Fundamentals

  • Tests 30%
  • Quizzes 25%
  • Home Work 25%
  • Binder 20%

Algebra II, Mathematical Analysis & Finite Math

  • Tests 40%
  • Quizzes 30%
  • Home Work 20%
  • Subjective 10%


  • Tests 35%
  • Quizzes 25%
  • Projects 15%
  • Home Work  15%
  • Subjective 10%

Absences and Make-Up Work:

  • Make-up work for absences must be done within two days except in a situation involving extenuating circumstances.
  • It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to have you homework checked on your return.
  • If you are absent on the day of or the day before a previously announced test, be ready to make it up the day you return. Make-up tests will be taken as soon as possible.