

  English - 7th Grade    

"Following in His Steps " 


Language Arts/Literature Assignments



March 21-25, 2011   Beginning of 4th Quarter  

  • Spelling List #23Test Friday
  • Voc - Prince & Pauper List 22-24 Test Friday
  • Complete Prince&Pauper Group assigned chapter
  • Revise Persuasion Essay - DUE THURSDAY




         4th Quarter - Student Book Choice    Due Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here’s your chance to be creative!   Choose one of the following creative projects for your book report.  Each report must include your name, book title, and author clearly on the front of your project. It must be on 8 ½ X 11 paper.  Written work should be double-spaced and be one full page in length.


1)  Write a critical review of the book.  State both the interesting portions and the

      portions you did not care for.

2)  Create an add for the book, using one or more persuasive techniques which we

         have learned about in class.

3)  Write a letter to the author about the book.

4)  Write a letter to one of the characters in the book.  Explain your feelings

         about their behavior and actions.

5)  Illustrate and describe your favorite part of the book.

6)  Write a newspaper article about an incident in the book.

7)  Write a journal entry for one of the characters.

8)  Create a poster for a movie version of the book.

9)  Explain the historical facts about the book setting.

10)  Draw a map illustrating locations where the story takes place.






MLA Format Requirements

Font type: Times New Roman

                 or Comic Sans

Font size/color: 12 point, black

Margins: 1” top/bottom/sides

Line spacing: double space

Header- last name, page #, Rt. corner

Heading - double spaced

     First and last name

     Teacher's name


     Full date

Title-Creative, Capitalized, centered

Indent paragraphs using Tab key

No extra spaces between paragraphs



                                                              Smith  1


Joe Smith

Mrs. Haskins


September 27, 2010

                    (Creative Title)

        The ..........................................................................



        Some ........................................................................





Home Reading Assignments

  • The RCS 7th grade reading criteria is to read 400 pages per quarter. Two classics must be read.  Students have the list of classics recommended for junior highers.
  • Home reading genre for the 4th Quarter:  Student choice
  • It is wonderful to honor students who exceed the RCS reading goal. Awards are as follows:

                    Over 3000 pages - ice cream award party

                    Over 6000 pages - Special Award Party at the end of the year!

  • Parents, you can help me by paying for the award parties when your child earns these awards. Thank you for your support.
  • The end of the year Special Award Party will be off-campus. In past years we have gone to Oasis Fun Center or to Party Extraordinair. We get a discount rate and have an awesome time celebrating their achievements! 

I will gladly answer any of your individual questions. E-mail me at llmmhh_925@hotmail.com or lhaskins@reddingchristian.com



Last Updated: March 20, 2011