How to Raft in 30 seconds!
by Michael Hoving 269kb
out of the
Trinity Alps,
the Trinity River
offers superb whitewater.
Inspired by our crystal clear water, reliable summertime flows, and sunny 90 degree temperatures you will undoubtedly decide that this is your summer for river adventure.
Trinity River Rafting has been taking people on personalized whitewater adventures since 1988 with one thing in mind--your enjoyment! People from all walks of life are discovering what an exceptional vacation value whitewater rafting can be. Our commitment to you is to offer personalized, high quality river adventures that are affordable and most of all--fun!
Our permanent location at the takeout of the prized Pigeon Point Run is ideally situated for easy shuttles---6 to 20 miles. This encompasses two class II runs, one class III run and class IV-V Burnt Ranch Gorge.
Trinity River Rafting
P.O. Box 572
Big Bar, CA 96010
(800) 30 RIVER (307-4837)
(530) 623-3033
Trinity River Rafting operates under permit from the Shasta-Trinity and Klamath National Forests. We are equal opportunity service providers.