SnowCrest Inc., P.O. Box 1379, Mt Shasta, CA 96067   (530) 926-6888 or (530) 245-4698

SnowCrest Modem Bank Phone Numbers

To find out what phone number you should dial, please enter your phone number here and click the "Lookup" button.

Your Computer's Phone Number:


City (optional):

Here is a partial list of SnowCrest's access numbers. If you don't see your area on this list, use the number locator above. All of the numbers on this list support v.92 unless noted otherwise. SnowCrest cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions on this list. We recommend that you check with your local carrier to determine whether the number listed is local to you.

City Number City Number
Anderson (530) 364-0071 Butte City (530) 884-0071
Challenge (530) 236-0071 Chico (530) 540-0071
Cottonwood (530) 348-0071 Corning (530) 689-0071
French Gulch (530) 734-0071 Gazelle (530) 733-0071
Gerber (530) 732-0071 Grenada (530) 731-0071
Hayfork (530) 706-0071 Hoopa (530) 618-0071
Hornbrook (530) 729-0071 Lewiston (530) 380-0071
Los Molinos (530) 390-0071 Montague (530) 684-0071
Mt. Shasta (530) 239-0071 Orland (530) 936-0071
Oroville (530) 871-0071 Paradise (530) 327-0071
Portola (530) 831-0071 Quincy (530) 280-0071
Redding (530) 248-0071 Red Bluff (530) 690-0071
Richvale (530) 431-0071 Shasta Lake (530) 688-0071
Vina (530) 424-0071 Weaverville (530) 423-0071
Weed (530) 471-0071 Willow Creek (530) 324-0071
Yreka (530) 937-0071 is © 1995-2025 SnowCrest Inc., all rights reserved. Please do not duplicate or copy any graphics, layout or code on this website. Do you have a question or comment for us? Contact us. View our terms and conditions, privacy policy, copyright policy, return/refund policy, and customer contracts. Usage of SnowCrest services constitues agreement to SnowCrest's terms and conditions. Read the Important Information Regarding California Relay Service and the Additional Information Regarding California Relay Service. This site has been validated for XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0.