You will not be able to see the skins unless you have downloaded and installed the custom skins file for this server. Download it here. Note that this is a self-extracting zip file. To install this file on your computer, download it (don't open!) into your C:\Quake directory. Then, go to the 'Start' button, choose 'Run', and type in "C:\Quake\player.exe -d" (without the quotes). Once the files have extracted, run quake using the command "C:\Quake\skin.bat". You should now be able to see the custom skins!
Some people have had trouble extracting the skins. If you have difficulty with this file, you can download the uncompressed files here instead. The skins archive consists of two files, player.mdl and skin.bat. Place the skin.bat file in your c:\quake directory, and create the following directory and place the player.mdl file in it: c:\quake\skin\progs.
Almost all of the weapons can be accessed using the standard number keys. The extended weapons are accessed by hitting the key for that weapon more than once. For example, the Flaming Finger is accessed by hitting '1' for the axe twice. The exception to this rule is the stinger bomb.
SnowCrest's Quake Server Mods
Type 'help-server' at the console for help
on server settings and extensions.
You will be kicked
for 2 suicides within 2 minutes.
Random Items
Items are respawned
in random locations.
Random Levels
The next level will
always be a random level.
Lets you watch the
ongoing madness.
As observer you can:
Provides extended rankings.
Type 'rank' to display a list of
current ranks in the format
PLAYER : name of player
TOT : his total score
KILL : how many he killed
DEATH : how many killed him
ACCID : his deathly accidents
Formula for TOT:
Allows the use of other
skins. Use the command 'skin-next'
or 'skin-prev' to choose a skin. Alternatively you can hit the '9' and '0' keys to select your skin.
Download skin.bat
Download player.mdl (1.2 MB)
Kills your enemies for you!
cujo-come : Cujo teleports to your
cujo-light : Turns on Cujo's collar
cujo-status : Tells you how Cujo is
cujo-attack : Toggles Cujo's attack
cujo-stay : Toggles Cujo's follow
cujo-view : You see the world from
Cujo's eyes
The invincibility icon will turn you into a fiend.
What you use to turn your
enemies into wall pizza.
Server, KickSuicider, Observer, and
Rank - all by Johannes Plass
Multiskin - by Dennis Noordsij
(, Modified by Andy Brennan
Cujo - by Jonathan Wright
Fiend - by John and Josh Spickes
( and
Flaming Finger - Modified Throwing Axe
by Steve Bond (
Grappling Ball - Modified Morning Star
by 'Mike' (
Freezegun - by Howard Roy
Flamethrower - by Steve Bond
Blazegun - by Jonathan Wright
Bubblegun - Modified Plasma Gun by Jon
Wright (
Laser - by n-tropy
Cluster Bombs - by John Allensworth
Stinger Bombs - by Pangloss
Homing Missiles - by Lynx
( and Dumont
( based on a
mod by Vhold (
BFG 9000 - by Jonathan Wright
Ultimate Weapons Mod - by Andy Brennan
Random Items - by Jeff Epler
Random Levels - by Marc Bell
All heavily modified, put together,
and brought to you by Grimorden
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