Magic Bus

Magic Bus plays all of the classic rock and blues songs that some how got lost in time. This band is very versatile having 7 musicians may seem like a big band but they sure cover a wide range of classics.


Magic Bus plays here in Redding at most of the local events, Kool April Nites, Redding Rodeo, Shasta County Fair to name a few. Those of you that live in Redding probably have heard them before, if not I am sure that you will enjoy what they have to offer.


I will be putting together a list of songs for them to play, so if you have a couple of songs that you would like to hear send me the list and I will see what I can do.


Magic Bus is: Ted Hoy: Lead Guitar, vocals and dry humor, Tony Faith: Vocals and various acrobatic stunts, Mike Blanchard: Guitar, vocals and morale booster, Gary Bell: Keyboards and sound effects, Glenn Smith: Drums, percussion, vocals and sound technician, Robert Coddington: Bass, vocals and spiritual advisor, Jack Byrd: Saxophone and Senior Advisor.

I`ve ask Magic Bus to come again to this years dinner for a little music and dancing.


The band will be playing the songs that we grew up hearing. So if you have a favorite song that you would like to hear, e-mail me the song title and I will see if I band can play it for you.

Cloud Callout: Don`t forget about your brothers or sisters, moms or dads that might have attended AHS or a classmate that you have not seen in awhile.
Just forward the e-mail onto them, who knows, you just might see them at the dinner for some conversation and fun.

Pam Sheppard Getchell`s

Dinner Gathering 2010