FALL OCTOBER CADDIS - COMPLETE FLY FISHING SCHOOL - $375 per person Our 1999 tentative dates: Either weekends of October 16 or 23; and November 6. Let us know preferences to help confirm our 1999 schedule. Learn "everything' about the famous "King of Caddis", the October Caddis Hatch and how to specifically catch trout during this spectacular angling time of the year. This school is all inclusive of instruction, guiding, accommodations meals and our Special 24-fly Selection. Your instructors have more than 110 years of combined fly fishing experience. Joe Kimsey, angling sage and fly innovator of the Upper Sac; guide and ISSE Master fly tier, Bill Carnazzo; and Expert Upper Sac instructor/guide/fly tier, Ron Rabun have joined forces with the Ted Fay Fly Shop in Dunsmuir to offer this unique and comprehensive fly fishing school with a focus on the October Caddis. We cover: * the "King Caddis", the giant October Caddis and why trout gorge on them. * Fall Seasonal Fly Pattern, October Caddis and other concurrent hatches. * Up-Stream Nymph Fishing and Short-line Casting Techniques * Short-line Dry Fly Techniques for fast moving Pocket Water. * Dry fly strategies and techniques for fishing the October Caddis Hatch. * Equipment setup; Rod, reel & leader construction. * Stream Wading and Approach for fly fishing success. * Aquatic insects that guide fly selection all year. (ie. Caddis Life Cycle ). * Background on the Upper Sacramento River and it's fishery. and MOST IMPORTANTLY lots of personalized on-stream instruction. FRIDAY noon, Our intensive October Caddis Upper Sac Fly Fishing education and angling experience begins with a fly tying clinic with Bill Carnazzo on caddis patterns and Joe Kimsey, Upper Sac. patterns. Friday evening concludes with our fishing warm-up clinic by Ron, Bill and Joe followed by a pizza and salad feed. SATURDAY covers an intensive on-stream clinic and personalized education by Ron and Bill. Saturday dinner will be our 'killer' Prime Rib or Steak Dinner with ALL the trimmings. SUNDAY clinic focuses on personalized tips and advanced techniques. This school package Includes three days instruction, two nights accommodations and meals beginning Friday evening through Lunch Sunday (late afternoon). Also, each angler will receive a our 24-fly October Caddis Seasonal Fly Collection and Fly Box. School Fee $375 per person. Special Notes: Gratuity and Alcoholic beverages not included in the package cost. Accommodations normally Friday and Saturday nights. (Sunday night stay add $25.) This school is limited to no more than 8 participants. All above inclusive for a minimum of 4 participants. Complete Registration and, Send with Remittance Payable to: Ron Rabun PO Box 105 Dunsmuir, CA 96025 Name ______________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Telephone ______________________________________________________ Make Payable Check to: The Big Ed Fish Society
©1998 the BIG ED Fish Society, Updated 5/1/98
Designed and Created By Ron Rabun