River Products
Versatility is a key factor for success when fishing freestone streams, such as the Upper Sac., Pit and McCloud, here in California. Everyone loves to fish dry flies, but nymph fishing represents a substantial portion of a good freestone angler's day to day success. The ability to deliver nymphs to fish in a variety of situations and stay in touch with them throughout each drift is crucial.
Hart's River Detective
The most frequent complaint learning nymphers have is that they just don't know what's going on with their flies. I hear others such as, big yarn balls are difficult to cast and adjust, the foam balls don't float well if you add weights and pinch-ons leave sticky residue on the leader. I was also left frustrated by the limitations of the things I tried and needed an indicator that was versatile. The Hart's River Detective overcomes these limitations and offers the versatility I was looking for as a guide. I finally could adjust my terminal gear quickly and easily and keep my clients in the fish.
It installs and removes from all knotless tapered leaders in a snap (for switching to dries) and can be re-used many times. It adjusts for depths and stays in position well on leaders down to 5x and shaped like a badminton shuttlecock, it casts with relative ease. The yarn floats high and stands tall for visibility in rough water and quickly indicates even the most subtle take of a fish or contact with the bottom. Treatment and combing are required for high floatation. I recommend a liquid floatant such as Loon Outdoors Aquel rather than a paste, which tends to goo up the yarn.
Detectives are growing in popularity and are now available in many fine fly shops nation wide, as well as some mail order retailers such as Cabela's (click to find Hart's River Detective at Cabela's secure on-line catalog site.)
Hart's River Stalker
The Hart's River Stalker wading staff is our answer to the demand for a quiet, natural, convenient yet elegant staff. The sound of wood is natural in the stream and spooks less fish than that of metal noises. It attaches easily to your vest or belt with a simple, sturdy black clip and 22" of 3/16" black stretch nylon cord. It is equipped with a 5" black soft rubber handle for sure grip in all conditions and a durable foot sleeve to allow the natural wood bottom to wear into a felt-like sole requiring no maintenance or replacement. The attractive wood finish looks great with the black accessories and it floats close to you without being in the way. The Hart's River Stalker wading staff is available at finer fly shops nationwide. Please ask for them by name so that if your local shop doesn't have them in stock they can order them for you. Or click this link to the American Fly Fishing Company to order Hart's River Stalker on-line.
For more information about availability in your area, please use our email link.
Many happy releases.
Ron Hart Hart's Services