Virtual Library-RELIGION
Table of Content:
The holy Bible
- with
La Bibbia(italian)
Luther Bibel(german)
- Bibel-WWW-Server(german)
- Die Elberfelder Übersetzung der Bibel
als WWW-Server installiert. Dies ermöglicht es WWW-Autoren, aus
ihren Dokumenten heraus Links zur Bibel (direkt auf bestimmte Verse) zu
- ARTFL Project: Bibles
- As part of an experiment to faciliate multi-lingual processing, we are building parallel versions of
the Bible. You may search any of the versions of the Bible listed below using the standard ARTFL
World Wide Web gateways. When you retreive a chapter, the document will provide links (at the
bottom of the chapter) to corresponding chapters in the other available languages. Note that this
function uses the page retrieval mechanism developed at ARTFL rather than simple links to separate
Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
- This hypertext document contains pointers to internet accessible literature related to Classical
- Guide to Early Church Documents
- This hypertext document contains pointers to internet accessible files relating to the early church. This
includes Canonical documents, Creeds, the writings of the apostolic fathers and other historical texts that may be
relavent to church history.
- The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (Ecole)
- This Initiative is a cooperative effort on the
part of scholars across the internet to establish a hypertext encyclopedia of early Church
history (from the origins of Christianity to the Reformation) on the World-Wide Web.
Early Church Documents
- These are early church documents from the Apostolic Fathers.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading
material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves!
Armin Müller
1. Jan. 1995