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Christian Life

Bethany Christian Services
BETHANY CHRISTIAN SERVICES provides quality social services that express God's love and manifest Christian compassion by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families.
Mephibosheth Ministry
Mephibosheth Ministry provides written materials and specialized training to provide the necessary components to bring the word of God to people with special needs. All of our materials are illustrated to meet the special needs of physically and mentally challenged persons.
Jericho Road
Jericho Road, Inc. is a non-profit Christian organization based in Memphis, Tennessee, whose purpose is to provide a centralized, ecumenical, global repository of ministry information. The churches and organizations listed serve the Memphis / Shelby County area.
Christian Contacts
Christian Contacts is a hospitality/accommodation network enquiry service that gives members a range opportunities when travelling from home cooked meals with each other, bed and breakfast accommodation through to exchanging homes if the members so desire. The key difference is that we can match up interests, ages or whatever criteria members choose.
Mountain Springs Vineyard Christian Fellowship
is a charismatic church which is a member of the Association of Vineyard Churches (AVC).
The International Union of Gospel Missions
The International Union of Gospel Missions is an association of over 250 rescue missions and other Christian organizations that are reaching out to the homeless, the poor, disadvantaged youth, and the addicted in inner cities throughout the world. Member ministries provide 19 million meals and 9 million nights of lodging for the needy each year
Graphical presentation of the GOODnews and other important concepts for growing as a Christian. Notes, maps, and charts to aid study and Christian growth.
Greater Grace World Outreach
GGWO IS: A local family oriented ministry with a strong emphasis on the unity of the family.
Spirituality For Today
SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAY is an interactive monthly magazine dedicated to addressing a variety of matters concerning the Catholic Church. It is not only for a Catholic audience.
Current Events and End Times Prophecy
This Web page has been set up for the purpose of looking at certain current events and how they might relate to the fulfilling of biblical prophecy. These current events have been grouped into more general categories called trends. Recognizing these trends can help us be ready and alert for the things to come.
nd dress; the s, and the devil; the operation of the spiritual gifts, including divine healing; the priesthood of believers; tithing; the existence of angels, demons, and the devil; the catching away of the church and the second coming of Jesus to earth;
As members of Christ's Body-The CHURCH, PeaceMakers is dedicated to practicing a dynamic witness for Jesus Christ that builds the Body of Christ and attracts the attention of a lost world through; Biblical Community, Biblical Instruction; Biblical Counseling and Biblical Peacemaking; that reconciles mankind to God, mankind to themselves and mankind to others.
The Church of Glad Tidings
Jesus Christ's Eternal Abundant Life, Inc.
is a non-profit corporation. The president and founder, Rev. George L. Pike, established this corporation about 30 years ago, for the sole purpose of spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature.
Friends Just Peace Institute
The Friends Just Peace Institute was established in 1994 in College Station, Texas, by members of the Friends Congregational Church (UCC), to embrace a ministry of peace and justice.
The Writings of Bro. Julius Adewumi
McKenzie Study Center
McKenzie Study Center is a ministry devoted to the study of the Bible and the promotion of a Christian worldview. Founded in 1979 next to the University of Oregon in Eugene, MSC works with UO students as well as the wider Willamette valley community.
Bruderhof Communities
The basis of our communal life is the New Testament: we simply try to follow as closely as we can Christ's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and elsewhere, especially those concerning brotherly love and love of enemies, mutual service, nonviolence and the refusal to bear arms, sexual purity, and faithfulness in marriage.
New Jersey Remembers The Pope's Visit
Beautifull designed Web-pages on the papal visit Oktober 1995.
Radio Vaticana Live
Radio Vaticana is being broadcast *LIVE* on the Internet using [Xing StreamWorks] audio
Radio Vaticana (German)
Ein Grossrechner der kath.-theol. Fakultaet an der Universitaet Passau sendet die neuesten Meldungen aus dem Vatikan zweimal pro Woche in deutscher Sprache.
Kathweb (German)
"KATHWEB" im World-Wide-Web des Internet bietet seit Mitte September aktuelle Informationen aus der katholischen Kirche in deutscher Sprache an. Unter der WWW-Adresse http://www.kathpress.co.at/kathweb/ sind unter anderem die wichtigsten Papstrundschreiben, aktuelle kirchliche Nachrichten aus Oesterreich und der ganzen Welt sowie Tips und Hinweise fuer Interessierte an kirchlichen Themen zu finden. Auch wer einem oesterreichischen Bischof schreiben will, findet hier seine Adresse. Leider vorerst nur fuer die Briefpost.
Jesus Fellowship Church/Jesus Army
It is a UK-based evangelical church with a charismatic emphasis. Pages include the E-zine Streetpaper with news, views and reviews for sinners and saints alike.
The Long And Winding Road
Well, it is really difficult to see the difference between truth and betrayal. This is a collection of more or less "religious" sites. The elders of McChurch, who collected them regard these as "apochryphal". They are really polite! I think there are quite some sites missing...
Church Online
Church Online, a Christian owned and operated Web Server, is delighted to bring the world a listing of Churches throughout the world. A full listing allows you to view a picture of the church, a location map, staff and program information, and a description of the church.
Mission Discovery
Church groups (adult and youth) experience work and ministry in the poorest parts of our world through 7 to 10 day work camps. Mission Discovery is a non-profit agency.

Armin Müller
email: amueller@www.biologie.uni-freiburg.de

1. Jan. 1995